2012 Steering Group

The process of ammending the objectives and constitution of the Allotment Federation.
At the Brighton & Hove Allotment Federation (BHAF) AGM on 20th March 2012, an allotmenteer presented a motion calling for the Fed’s objectives to be updated by its members, i.e. us allotment-holders.
It was submitted as a response to the proposed (but at the time almost certain) 67% rent rise. Plotholders were not informed or consulted and the rent hike was only defeated thanks to a campaign by individual plotholders against the rise.
None of the current Allotment Federation objectives mention anything about representing the rights or interests of its members. (Click here to see the current objectives)
The motion gained near-unanimous support from the 170 or so plot-holders present, and for a Steering Group to be set up to organise the Special General Meeting necessary to change the objectives of the constitution.